Embracing Your Soul’s Journey–An Overnight Labyrinth Retreat

Embracing Your Soul’s Journey–An Overnight Labyrinth Retreat

Embracing Your Soul’s Journey is an overnight labyrinth retreat. Get in touch with your inner self, walk the indoor labyrinth at night and the lighted outdoor labyrinth at sunrise. Go to labyrinthtravel.com for information and an application.

Early Bird (Before March 1, 2018)   $95
Registration (After March 1, 2018) (includes breakfast)   $125
Non-refundable registration deposit  $50

Limited number of private rooms (In addition to registration) $40

For more information, visit A Healing Collective, go to our Facebook page “Embracing Your Soul’s Journey,” or send email to Margaret Harle or Margaret Strader.

Download Retreat Registration Form Here